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Ads.txt Health Check

Our ads.txt health check will let you know if your file is up-to-date, and how to fix it if it isn't!

Heather Tullos avatar
Written by Heather Tullos
Updated over 3 years ago

Your Site Health check now includes an Ads.txt check to let you know if your Ads.Txt file is current or needs some help.Β 

For a complete overview of Ads.txt and what it is, please see this article.

A red light means your /ads.txt file is missing. It is most likely showing as a 404 page when you visit Click the button below and follow the instructions for getting that set up.

NOTE: There are separate instructions depending on what blogging platform you use. If you have any questions, message us using the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of your screen, or email us at for help.

A yellow light means that your /ads.txt file is out-of-date, or that you are running an old version. You'll need to update the file to ensure that you are getting bids from all of the current ad partners.

You are good to go! Your Ads.txt file is up-to-date and correct. Be free and make money!

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