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Mediavine Dashboard Page-level Data
Mediavine Dashboard Page-level Data

Are pageviews in the dashboard not quite matching up with analytics? Learn more here.

Heather Tullos avatar
Written by Heather Tullos
Updated over 11 months ago

Page-level data can be found by scrolling all the way to the bottom of the main page in your Mediavine dashboard.

The Mediavine Dashboard syncs daily to your Google Analytics: Traffic data is available for the day before yesterday. Earnings data is available for yesterday.
When it syncs, it pulls the top 100 posts (sorted highest to lowest by pageviews).

This is not a live sync. Numbers will not update once that data is pulled until we sync to analytics again the following day.

Because it is not a live sync, this means that when you are looking at one day of data in your dashboard, the top posts will have accurate numbers displayed that should match up very closely with your Google Analytics.

If you are looking at a range of days, things may not match up. 

The reason for this is that during any given day, posts may decline in traffic, dropping them out of that top 100 for the selected date range.


If your BLOG POST ABOUT PINE TREES was in the top post reports for Day One with 1500 pageviews and Day Three with 1200 pageviews, in the dashboard that post would show a total of 2700 pageviews over the three day span. 

In Google Analytics, it would show more than that over the same three-day range because it ALSO includes the pageviews from Day Two, which weren't pulled into the dashboard sync because on Day Two that post only saw 300 pageviews, which was lower than any of the others in your top 100.  

Therefore, the Mediavine Dashboard will show 2700 (1500 + 1200), while your Google Analytics will show 3000 (1500 + 1200 + 300).

Over a range of dates, Google Analytics will show more.

We also pull in page-level revenue the same way, so that the details match up. We're only syncing page-level revenue for the pages that made it into your top 100.

On a single day, revenue will be accurate, as well as Page RPM.

However, over a range of time, a page may have fallen out of your top 100 and therefore its revenue will not be added to the range.

Therefore, we ask that you use Page-level Analytics, RPM, and Revenue as estimates that should be used to help you make better decisions, but not to base your business on them.

For example, don't use them to figure out HOW to pay people as this is not exact.

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