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Chicory Ads FAQ

Want to supplement your Mediavine ad income? Do you have recipe content? Check out our Chicory integration!

Eric Hochberger avatar
Written by Eric Hochberger
Updated over a week ago

Chicory is a food-tech company that makes recipes shoppable and provides native advertisements and ingredient promotions within your recipe card.

What does Chicory look like?

Here are some great examples of recipes featuring Chicory. Look for a button beneath the ingredients list that says “get” or “order ingredients." (You can read more about why the Chicory Buttons change on their blog.)

When the "Order Ingredients" button is clicked, Chicory opens up into a modal within your page, which provides your readers with a pre-populated shopping list. Users can swap out ingredients or adjust portions and then purchase the items from online grocers like Peapod or Amazon, to be delivered next-day.

Chicory Premium

Chicory also offers Premium ad campaigns. Brands come to Chicory looking to target users with native ads in their recipe cards. Unless a publisher opts out, Chicory will automatically detect the targeted ingredient and place the ad on your site for the duration of the campaign.

Standard Banners in the Recipe Card Ad Unit

Chicory also buys into our auction for the recipe card ad unit via our ad exchange partnerships. These banners will show up in rotation with other advertisers in your recipe card ad unit, and are a slightly smaller 300x200 ad size.

Note: You do not have to be opted into Chicory in your dashboard in order to receive standard banner ads from Chicory.

How do I activate Chicory on my site?

In your Mediavine dashboard go to Settings > Ad Settings > Optional Ad Units.

Chicory will begin analyzing your pages and a “Get Ingredients” button will appear beneath your recipe ingredients list, page by page. It may take some time for all of your recipes to import to Chicory.

What if I’m already a Chicory partner?

If you'd like to switch to the Mediavine integration, just uninstall/deactivate your existing Chicory plugin and enable Chicory in your Mediavine dashboard. Chicory will take care of updating your account automatically.

Once you’ve made that switch, all of your data will begin to appear in your Mediavine dashboard, and your Chicory payment will be incorporated into your Mediavine payment. Chicory will pay your existing balance up to the date you switched to Mediavine during their next payment cycle. For example, if you switch to the Mediavine installation on the 15th of April, Chicory will send you your balance through the 14th of April when they issue April payments in the first week of May.

Where will my Chicory earnings be displayed?

Chicory earnings for the Get Ingredients button and the Premium campaigns will be displayed as a separate line in your Mediavine dashboard in the "By Partner" section.

Earnings for the standard banners will show as part of your "Mediavine Managed Ads" earnings in the "By Partner" section of your dashboard and as part of the "Recipe" ad unit earnings in the "Mediavine Display by Ad Unit" break out.

Can I disable Chicory on a post?


If you would like to remove Chicory Premium Campaigns or the Get Ingredients button from a specific post, you can use the Disable Ads tool in your Mediavine dashboard.

Who should I contact with my Chicory questions?

You can email with all of your ad related questions.

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