How to Update Your Profile in Mediavine's Sellers.json File

It's easy to update or verify the details that are in Mediavine's Sellers.json file right from your Mediavine dashboard.

For detailed information on sellers.json read this blog post.

What is Sellers.json?

Sellers.json is a public file that lets buyers on the exchange side understand who they are paying. It is a public file, readable to anyone looking to access Mediavine's Sellers.json, and is a list of all the entities selling inventory on their exchanges.

Your Sellers.json file is based on the Business Information that you approve in your Dashboard.

Beginning in October 2022 your name and site's URL will be transparent to the public through sellers.json. This is a required change.

You need to verify or update the information in two fields: Business Name and Business Domain.


If you have an LLC or S-Corp, that is the name of your business. If you are a sole proprietor this is your first and last name.


Mediavine is required to list a business domain for each payee – this is the URL or website that represents your business.

EXAMPLE 1: The Hollywood Gossip is owned by Mediavine, so we would list as the business domain.

EXAMPLE 2: My Awesome Travel Blog is a site owned by a sole proprietor and there is no other domain associated with the business. myawesometravelblog[dot]com would be listed as the business domain.

How to Review/Edit Your Business Info

  1. You can see your confirmed Business Name and Domain in your Profile Settings page at any time. Just navigate to Settings > Profile > Business Information.

  2. We've pre-filled these fields for you based on the information you confirmed when setting up Sellers.json.

  3. You can make changes to the Business Name and Business Domain by emailing into, just keep in mind that the information you provide here will be represented publicly on sellers.json.

‼️ Important: You will only be able to update this information by emailing Support. ‼️ 

For any questions related to sellers.json, please reach out to us at