If you're looking to lazy load images alongside your Mediavine ads, you need to be careful and follow this advice!
At Mediavine, we lazy load our ads, which means you have to be careful with any lazy loading you do on the page to make sure you're not doubling up on your lazy loading. Doing so could potentially break your ads.
When enabling a Lazy Loading JavaScript or plugin, you need to make sure you are only lazy loading images and NOT any iframes, which are how advertisements run, and videos, or you risk breaking the Mediavine Video Player.
Unfortunately, many WordPress plugins and JavaScript will by default attempt to lazy load everything.
You will need to check your settings and configuration options to make sure you only lazy load images.
WP Rocket
In the past, WP Rocket's lazy load setting for iframes and videos has conflicted with our ads by catching them in a lazy load loop. Their current implementation of this setting doesn't conflict with our ads, however we recommend keeping an eye on your dashboard after each WP Rocket update to ensure there is no impact on earnings or ad performance.
Lightspeed Cache for Wordpress
Lightspeed has a separate toggle for "Lazy Load Images." Make sure you enable that one and do NOT enable "Lazy Load iframes" and you should not impact your ads.

Other Plugins
For other plugins and JavaScript libraries, you will want to look for similar settings and be careful after enabling. Make sure you visit your site and verify ads are continuing to run and that you monitor your RPM.
Enabling Lazy Loading is a major change to your site and something you are doing at your own risk.