Mobile interstitial ads by Google are now available

The mobile interstitial is Google-made and Google-approved and shows very promising results in our initial testing! Read this blog post for all the details, and the FAQ's are below:
What is a mobile interstitial?
A mobile interstitial is a pop-up ad that appears full-screen on mobile. It is immediately closeable and ONLY appears after a user clicks a link on your site (so it appears between pageviews.)
What does it look like?
Here is an example of a typical mobile interstitial. There will be an obvious "x" that is visible immediately.

How much does it pay?
In testing this unit, we’ve seen CPMs higher than $20 after a ramp-up period, which is even higher than video ads!
It is important to note that because these ads only run between pageviews and are frequency capped (a term to indicate how often an ad runs for a given user), not every visitor will see them.
This feature alone has the potential to add $2 or more to your mobile session RPM!
How do I turn it on?
Visit your Dashboard > Settings > Ad Settings > Optional Ad Units area:

How does blacklist code impact mobile interstitials?
These ads serve on the page that you are leaving, so if you have Blacklist code on the page where a link is clicked, the user will definitely NOT see an interstitial ad.
If they are clicking from a page that does serve ads TO a page that does NOT serve ads due to Blacklist code, that user COULD see an interstitial on that click.
Can I enable these on only certain pages?
These units are only able to be enabled globally at this time. As discussed in the section above, if ads are disabled on a page, clicks from that page will NOT be eligible for mobile interstitials. We're looking at adding more options to our blacklist code generator in a future update.
Where do you track performance for Mobile Interstitials?
In your Mediavine Dashboard in the Ad Units breakdown, there will be a line item titled "interstitial".

Is this an ad unit that Mediavine recommends running?
Not necessarily.
This unit is not a part of our standard setup and is only being offered because of the incredible performance we are seeing on the sites we test this on. We were invited by Google to participate in this beta and wanted to make sure we extended it to our publishers as well.
Whether or not you run this or any of our optional ad units is entirely dependent on your goals and personal monetization strategy.