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  2. Mediavine Ads
  3. Customizing your ad experience

Recipe Ads in Create, WPRM, and Tasty

Stop under-monetizing your jumpers, and earn the revenue your content deserves without sacrificing user experience!

In your dashboard, head over to Dashboard > Settings > In-content Settings > Recipe Ads to make sure you are all set with these revenue-boosting settings!

NOTE: The Recipe ad settings in the Mediavine dashboard only apply to cards from Create, WPRM, and Tasty. These settings will not adjust your Recipe card ads if you are using a different plugin or if your site is not on WordPress.

Read below to find out what these settings control, and where you should have them set for the best experience and revenue on YOUR site.

For the full breakdown behind how this all came about, please see our Optimizing Recipe Card Ads post and the Recipe Card Ad Settings post.

If you run a Jump button, this is its new best friend!

When a reader clicks the Jump button, instead of instantly landing on the recipe card itself (skipping by ALL of your ads), the user is whisked via "Smooth Scroll" to an ad unit directly above the recipe card.

Your in-content ads won't load when the Jump Button is clicked with the Arrival Unit active, which increases your viewability. This function helps increase your overall CPM, which is how much each ad impression actually pays.

You can see more about this ad unit as well as a preview of how it will look for your readers in this great help article!

Make more on ALL of your ad units over time by enabling features and optimizations that focus on putting ads where your readers are the most engaged. AKA: Advertisers pay more for ads that'll actually be seen.

This unit is great for readers, great for your performance, and has been shown to increase viewability for your site on the for the jumpers, who typically earn you the LEAST.

If you'd like to disable this option, the setting for that is located in your Dashboard > Settings > In-Content Settings > Recipe Ads area:

If you have a custom jump button or if you notice anything amiss, please reach out to us at publishers@mediavine.com. Sometimes there are tweaks that need to be made on custom setups.

Long recipe instructions now are able to be monetized within CBA guidelines in a way similar to how we monetize the content in the body of the post.

This can make a BIG difference in revenue generated by the jumpers, since they aren't actually consuming your content in the body of the post in the way that a reader who is actually. . . . . . . . . . . reading, would.

Putting ads in the instructions is a great way to meet your reader where they are at without sacrificing user experience OR revenue in the process.

(These ads may show up in your print previews, but they will NOT print.)

The Recipe Instruction Density setting controls what level of ads you'll get in those longer instructions. The default is generally the right one for everyone unless your instructions are VERY long and also contain images.

How to decide where to set yours?

To find the right balance for you, I suggest starting with the default and then viewing one of your posts with relatively long instructions in an incognito window, appending ?test=houseads to the end of the URL. Do this on both mobile and desktop.

If what you see under the Instructions portion is more than you're comfortable with, dial it back one notch at a time and then do a hard refresh on your page (control + shift + r on a Mac w/ Chrome). Continue doing this until you find a good balance.

Questions or need help? We're just an email or message away.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The lower settings should only be used by publishers that run photos inside their instructions.

Recipe cards are eligible for 2 ads on desktop and 3 ads on mobile. This is the default setting. Running the default here typically results in a 50-100% gain in recipe revenue and RPM gains, while still keeping a great user experience.

You can adjust the settings as needed to tweak according to your needs.


NOTE: If you are using Create and you want to know how to adjust ads in Create Lists, please refer to this help article!