The Arrival Unit

A Mediavine-exclusive that will help you earn more while offering a great user experience.

As readers, we LOVE a good shortcut. Any way for us to get to the answers we need faster is better, right? But as bloggers, we have to be able to earn a living from the content we create. With Mediavine's Arrival Unit, you can do both!

The Arrival Unit is an ad unit that is only served to readers that use the jump button function on your page. When they click to jump, the Mediavine script wrapper smooth scrolls the reader straight to the card, and serves an ad just above it.

When readers skip your content, they are skipping all the ads that might have been in the content. Mediavine only serves ads where your readers actually are. That's important for viewability and is one of the biggest reasons that advertisers spend more on Mediavine ads.

Enabling the Arrival Unit lets you keep user experience high without sacrificing your earnings. It puts a highly viewable ad right where your readers are.

To enable the Arrival Unit, head to your Mediavine Dashboard Settings > In-Content Ads and scroll down to Recipe Ads.