There are some things that, despite our best efforts, just don't play well with us. List below.
Mediavine strives to play nice with all others, but once in a while, it just doesn't happen. The following things don't work with us, so take a peek and if anything looks familiar, please investigate more!
Mailchimp Subscriber Pop Up
Alters the load order of site elements, causing inconsistencies in the loading of Mediavine ads.
Search the site HTML for "dojo." If the code contains that, it is the version that conflicts and needs to be removed.
Remove pop up.
Remove pop up.
Cloudflare's "Rocket Loader" feature
Breaks JavaScript, causing MPN ads not to load.
Disable Rocket Loader.
Lazy Loading iframes
Lazy Loading of iframes is a conflict with Mediavine ads, which are lazy loaded. Doubling up on lazy loading causes our ads to get lazy loaded twice, significantly harming site performance. It also causes an embedded Mediavine Video Player to display a loading screen.
If the plugin allows it, make sure the plugin is set to ONLY lazy load images and NOT iframes and other embed types.
Otherwise, remove/disable the lazy loading feature.
WordPress 5.7+ lazy load iframes by default and their native solution does not conflict with our ads.
In the past, WP Rocket's lazy load setting for iframes and videos has conflicted with our ads by catching them in a lazy load loop. Their current implementation of this setting doesn't conflict with our ads. However, we recommend keeping an eye on your dashboard after each WP Rocket update to ensure there is no impact on earnings or ad performance.
For further information, see our article on Lazy Loading Images.
Automatically enables ads (Disqus Reveal) when you reach a certain size.
Apply for exemption to remove ads.
Smooth Scrolling
These themes automatically enable "Smooth Scrolling" which can affect performance of in-content ads.
Turn off "Smooth Scrolling."
Dynamic Content Gallery
Overwrites core JavaScript functions, which prevent several key bidders in our auction from working.
Remove plugin.
Automatically enables new ad units. Drives down performance of MPN ad units and causes your earnings to be reduced.
Log in to toggle off ads.
Mobile share buttons in the footer push our mobile adhesion over the content, causing a Google policy violation.
Disable or move location of mobile share buttons.
Theia Post Slider
Alters HTML of both slideshow posts and non-slideshow posts and causes a conflict with in-content ads. If enabled, will cause serious RPM implications on mobile.
Remove plugin.
Thrive Architect, Elementor, Divi, WP Bakery (formerly Visual Composer), Beaver Builder, and other page builders
Page builders can wrap your content in nested <div></div> elements. Our script will not typically see individual elements wrapped in <div></div> elements, which means you could have no in-content ads or much fewer in-content ads than you would otherwise.
If you're using the page builder on every page site-wide, we can adjust your in-content selectors to accommodate.
If you are only using it on some of your posts, you will need to Manually Place Ads in Your Content Using Content Hints on the affected posts or pages.
Breaking your HTML is never great for SEO, so you might also want to research other less-invasive marketing solutions.
Simply Pinterest
Simply Pinterest mimics a post builder and wraps your content in
<div class="bpp_post_wrapper">
This prevents in-content ads from appearing on desktop and mobile ads.
Remove plugin.
404 to 301 plugins
Some redirection plugins are used to redirect any and all 404 errors to a page that you set, using 301 (or any other) status. These cause issues with our script that result in server overload.
It is common for ads to request resources that do not exist or to those they do not have access to, but typically they will return a 404 or 401 error that does not affect performance.
However, with a plugin that redirects any and all 404 errors, it causes each of these to result in an additional page call, putting more load on the server and affecting the overall performance of the site and ads. However, if the redirection plugin is engineered to only redirect specific URLs, then this shouldn’t be a conflict.
Disable the plugin.
Jetpack Ads
Running Jetpack's ads conflicts with our exclusivity agreement, and also breaks the auction, causing your Mediavine ads to not perform well.
Disable this setting in your Jetpack Settings in the Traffic section.

Complianz Plugin TCF Setting
Enabling the Complianz plugin's TCF setting will prevent ads from loading, and isn't necessary since Mediavine's Consent Management Platform uses TCF and covers you completely for the display advertisement portion of GDPR.
Make sure "Enable TCF" is disabled in the Complianz plugin settings under Wizard -> Consent -> Services -> Are any of your advertising cookies used to show personalized ads?
iubenda Compliance Plugin/CookieYes Plugin/GDPR Cookie Consent Plugin
These plugins prevent ads from loading if the user doesn’t interact with the plugin, or rejects the consent option. In some cases, these plugins prevent ads from loading until the page is refreshed, even when the user accepts the consent.
Remove the plugin/use alternate plugin.
Infinite Scroll
Infinite scroll implementations that load subsequent posts in iframes can cause ads to not load in subsequent posts.
- Find an infinite scroll solution that does not load subsequent posts in iframes.
- Remove infinite scroll.
WP Meteor
Optimization plugins can break our ad script, which will prevent ads from loading on the page. We’ve noticed that even if our script is excluded from optimizations in WP Meteor, WP Meteor will still interfere with our ad script and prevent ads from loading.
- Uninstall the WP Meteor plugin
SiteGround Optimizer
SiteGround Optimizer has multiple JavaScript optimization settings that can break our script and prevent ads from loading, particularly the Combine JavaScript Files setting.
- Our script will need to be excluded from all of SiteGround Optimizer’s JavaScript optimization settings, but the Combine JavaScript Files setting will need to be completely disabled to ensure the functionality of your ads.
As with many optimization plugins Javascript settings, minifying JavaScript in the Breeze plugin can conflict with our script and prevent ads from loading.
- Simply disable the “JS Minify” setting, found here under the File Optimization tab of Breeze’s settings.
- Alternatively, you can exclude our script from being minified by adding it as an exclusion in the Exclude JS field shown box shown at the bottom of the screenshot. The format is and you can find your Site ID in your Mediavine dashboard under Settings > Ad Setup. Afterwards, clear all caching on your site.