Understanding the downloadable Gross Revenue Reporting available in your Mediavine Dashboard.
At the bottom of your Mediavine Dashboard reporting page, below the MVP Revenue Share & Loyalty Bonus banner, you'll see the option to Download your Gross Revenue Report.

The date for the downloadable report will reflect the date range that you have set via the date picker above the Revenue section of the Dashboard.

Select the date range that you'd like to review, and then download the report. It will be in .csv format so that you can upload into the spreadsheet tool of your choice.

Understanding the Gross Revenue Report
Once you've uploaded the report into a spreadsheet you'll see:
Site ID - This number will match the number at the end of your site-specific Mediavine Dashboard URL.
Date - This column will reflect the dates that were included in the date range you selected.
Partner Gross Revenue - If you have enabled Chicory or GumGum In-Image Ads in the Optional Ad Units (Settings > Ad Settings) section of the Dashboard, gross revenue from those ads ONLY will be reflected here.
Partner Net Revenue - These two Optional Ad Units offer a 90% revenue share to the publisher, as opposed to your site-wide revenue share that can vary based on impressions, loyalty, or program participation, which is why this revenue is broken out separately in this report, as well as in your Dashboard reporting.
GAM Gross Revenue - This reflects the gross revenue directly from the ad server (Google Ad Manager, or GAM for short).
GAM Net Revenue - This is the net revenue to you after your revenue share has been deducted from the gross amount.
Net Revenue Above 75 - This column shows you the amount of net revenue you've received above the base revenue share of 75%. Totaling this column is a quick and easy way to see the extra money that is added to your bottom line through program participation, impressions-based bonuses, and / or loyalty bonuses.
Revenue Share - An easy way to track daily revenue shares, particularly if you are right on the cusp of one of the impressions-based bonus tiers. Because traffic can fluctuate, you might wander in and out of an impressions-based revenue share several times over the course of the month. This column offers a simple way to see those historical values.