How to adjust CCPA Settings
You have 4 placement options that you can choose from for your CCPA/CPRA "Do Not Sell or Share My Information" link
Navigate to your Dashboard Settings > Privacy. Then, scroll down to CCPA Settings:

CCPA Location
This drop down menu offers 4 placement options to choose from for the “Do Not Sell or Share My Information” link that appears on your website.

The choices are:
Publisher Inserted
CAUTION. Do not choose the Publisher Inserted option unless you are inserting the link yourself.
Do I need to do anything else to ensure CCPA compliance?
The answer, most likely, is YES.
Our guidance, notice and links only apply to Mediavine ad management services and do not apply to any other data collection and/or processing activities on your website.
We recommend speaking with an attorney about your website and business.
Each website and business is unique and there is no one size fits all for privacy law compliance.
You can read more about California Privacy Laws and Your Mediavine Ads HERE.