Learn more about blocking certain types of ads by category, and why you may not want to.
We get it not all ads feel like the best fit for every site. It's important to know that at Mediavine we have extremely high quality standards and a PG requirement for all ads served. If you think you might need to take things a step further, we offer the ability to opt out of categories that might be considered sensitive.
Before you decide to opt out though, we encourage you to remain "opted in" Here's why.
Ads are tailored to the reader, not the site
Keywords are definitely an important part in how advertisers decide to spend on your site, but more than that is the data that tells them how to serve relevant and targeted ads to your readers. You can learn more about programmatic advertising here, but for our opt-out purposes you just want to remember that YOU SEE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ADS THAN YOUR READERS.
This effect can be compounded for site owners because we are on our own sites WAY more often than a reader ever will be.
Opting out is effectively decreasing competition for your ad spaces on your site.
We encourage you to Opt In for higher earnings and RPM.
If you understand the impact and still need to opt out, here's how to do it.
Head to your Mediavine Dashboard > Settings > Opt-Out

2. Toggle "Opt-Out" for any categories you'd like to block.
These categories are set by the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau), not by Mediavine. The category options to block are:
Baked Goods
Baking Ingredients
Black Magic, Astrology & Esoteric
Breakfast Cereals
Candy, Gum & Mints
Cosmetic Procedures & Body Modification
Dairy & Non-Dairy Alternatives
Downloadable Utilities
Drugs & Supplements
Fast Food
Frozen Foods
Gambling & Betting
Get Rich Quick
Guns & Firearms
Hemp Based CBD
Hunting & Shooting
Meat & Poultry
Pest & Weed Control
References to Sex & Sexuality
Sexual & Reproductive Health
Significant Skin Exposure
Snack Foods
Video Games (Casual & Online)
Weight Loss
3. Click Save Settings. Now you're all set!
What if I still see an ad I don't like?
There's a tool for that!
Remember that these filters aren't perfect, so if you ever see an ad on your site that you don't like, please report it so we can investigate manually.