FAQs about our ad quality report system!
See an ad you don't like? We have your back!
Mediavine's Ad Reporter runs underneath the hood with nearly every ad served by Mediavine. Its function is to grab all the technical details of an ad call so that we can work with partners to improve ad quality across the sites of Mediavine publishers.
Reporting ads helps us keep quality high for all Mediavine sites.
To report an ad, look for the Mediavine logo beneath that ad and click.
A small window will open with two options:
"What is this?" or
"⚠️ Report Ad"

When you click on "⚠️ Report Ad", you'll be shown a report form to fill out. This information is sent directly to our Ad Operations Team.
As a Mediavine publisher, we ask that you please include a reason for the report when you are reporting an ad, and then click 'I'm a publisher at Mediavine'.
This will push the report to the top of the queue so we can assist you quickly with all ads you report.
We check these reports daily and do our best to get each ad blocked if it does not meet our guidelines.
Reporting Adhesion Ads
You can report adhesion ads that are appearing as broken creatives by using the Mediavine Ad Reporter. If you do not see the Mediavine logo with the option to report, you can grab a screenshot of the ad, and right click on the ad to grab the URL where the ad leads to.
Email those details to publishers@mediavine.com, and we'll report it to the necessary ad partners.
How does it work?
Mediavine Ad Reporter sends us all of the technical details needed to track down individual ads and which partner served it.
Mediavine works with multiple partners at a time, so finding a single ad from a partner is basically like searching for one needle in 10 different haystacks — unless you have the technical info behind the ad. Mediavine Ad Reporter helps us narrow those details down immediately, and work with the partner to remove the ad from the network or your site, wherever possible.
Do my readers or I need to install anything?
Not at all. The ad reporter is completely self contained, and no downloads or installs are necessary.
Does reporting ads affect my status with the advertisers at all?
NO. Absolutely not. The advertisers never see these reports or who is reporting them. The reports come straight to Mediavine, and only Mediavine employees see them.
Is blocking instantaneous?
It is not. We work with each partner to submit reports, and the turnaround time is different for each one.
What if I am unable to report an ad I don't like?
If there is something urgent, please take a screenshot and email publishers@mediavine.com, and let us know you were unable to send a report through the Ad Reporter.
How do I report a video ad?
Video ad reporting is slightly different. Learn more here.
RELATED: Opt out of sensitive ad categories