Mediavine fully supports SSL sites. Here's what you need to know.
Requirements to serve SSL ads with Mediavine:
Run the new async script wrapper.
Force All Ads to be Secure by using this method.
In order to serve SSL ads to your site, you'll need to make sure you have Mediavine's ASYNC script wrapper in place.
You can check this by navigating to your site using a Chrome browser, going to View > Developer > View Source.
A new page will open up with a bunch of code in it.
Don't panic. ;)
All you need to do is go to the Edit menu, click on Find, and search for "Mediavine" on that page of code.
That'll show you right where your script wrapper is. It'll look like this:

The important part you need to look for though is right here:
If you have that async portion, you are running an up to date script wrapper and you are ready to serve SSL ads to your site.
If you do NOT see that async="async" code there, you are running our old script wrapper and need to update ASAP.
Instructions for updating your script wrapper can be found below:
For WordPress: Install the script with the Mediavine control panel (preferable)
For Blogger: Installing Mediavine ads in Blogger
For Squarespace: Installing Mediavine ads in Squarespace
Please email once you are done so we can check and make sure things are appearing correctly!
If you need any help or have any questions, we're happy to assist!