What Ads Can I Expect to Serve?

At Mediavine we tailor our recommended placements to your site and your readers for the most $$ and the best experience.

When any publisher chooses to earn via display advertising, there has to be a balance between user experience, advertiser demands, and publisher’s revenue

Our goal is to find that perfect sweet spot between all three.

Back in the olden days of advertising, it made sense to have placements here, placements there, PLACEMENTS EVERYWHERE! Times have changed though, and not only are users more sensitive to advertising, but advertisers are able to monitor whether or not placements are seen by a user or not. 

Obviously ads that are seen are worth more than ads that are not seen, so here at Mediavine we recommend ad units that are thoroughly tested, and know are going to be placements that have excellent viewability that yield high-paying CPM's. 

We also use details about your specific site and traffic to make tailored suggestions that will help you to earn the most.

Here are the details on the placements available to you as a Mediavine publisher

  • Sidebar ads - we never recommend more than two, the second of which is a "sticky" ad which means it stays in view as the reader scrolls and refreshes after 30 seconds for a reader that is still with you. 

  • In-Content Ads on desktop, tablet and mobile

  • An adhesion unit on desktop, tablet, and mobile

  • The Arrival Unit - a Mediavine exclusive! If you are using a Jump Button on your site we highly recommend enabling the Jump to Recipe Arrival Unit.

  • Pre-roll Video Ads - these are the ads that serve before a video that you've uploaded to the Mediavine dashboard.

  • Mid-roll Video Ads - these play in the middle of videos that are > 8 minutes in length

  • Universal Player - another exclusive-to-Mediavine ad unit that lets you capitalize on amazing video CPMs without any video content!

Mediavine Lazy Loads ads which puts a premium on site speed, reader experience, viewability, AND earnings. It also means that Mediavine Ads will not serve where there are no readers, so even if you have many in-content ad slots, those ads do not exist for a reader that skips the content. That keeps user experience AND CPMs high, but it also means that we have to always be sure that an appropriate number of impressions are serving in the parts of your posts that readers are using.

We do offer other optional placements

The right balance for every site is different! So we have a whole host of other units that you can opt in to for additional ways to earn. 

  • Chicory

An optional unit you can enable if you are running a recipe card ad on your site. 

  • GumGum In-Image Ads

Supplement your ad income by incorporating ads on your images.

Full-page ads between page views.

Not sure which options are the right fit? You can always reach out to publishers@mediavine.com for help.